August 26, 2014

AKB48 Selection Database

AKB48 Selection Database - screenshot thumbnail AKB48 Selection Database - screenshot thumbnail AKB48 Selection Database - screenshot thumbnail AKB48 Selection Database - screenshot thumbnail AKB48 Selection Database - screenshot thumbnail
This Application is AKB48 Selection Database.

Application has AKB48/SKE48/NMB48/HKT48/JKT48/SNH48/SDN48/OJS48/Extra Units/Nogizaka46 data.

You can...
・Search members
・Search songs
・Show CD jacket
・Show members blog/Twitter/Google+
・Link to lyrics search
・Check set lists
・Check general erection/janken tounament
・Link to offisial site

[About pictures]
Members/Songs pictures are displayed by image search site.
Therefore, picture are not displayed unless it connects with a network.
The searched result is displayed as it is.
Therefore, an old picture may be displayed , the picture which is not related or no imagemay displayed be displayed.

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