September 22, 2014

Movie Transcript Database

Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail Movie Transcript Database - screenshot thumbnail
Find thousands of movie scripts from the latest blockbuster movies all the way back to the golden age of Hollywood in the movie transcript database!

Search a database of over 10,000 (and counting!) transcripts to find scripts for your favourite movies :)

Need a transcript not in the database? Please use the "Request a Movie Transcript" option in the "More" menu and it will be added A.S.A.P.

Check out the charts for the most read transcripts of all time, the year, the month, the week or the day and find the latest additions to the database on the new page.

The database is ideal for looking up that all important movie quote :)

The database has been updated to include scripts from Bollywood movies, independent movies and movies produced from all over the world!

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