April 13, 2015

Database Script Tool

Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail Database Script Tool - screenshot thumbnail
Database Script Tool - Database designer, Script / Code Generator.

Database Script Tool is a Code Generator. It can generate several types of code (DDL Scripts, Stored procedures, SQL Standard commands, Classes, and more).

Code generation can save you a considerable amount of money, reducing time of coding and debugging. Speed up your projects reducing human errors and avoiding repetitive tasks. Now you can focus on what matters most.

How does it work?
Design your database schema (database, tables, fields and relationships), then use the built-in generator to get the corresponding Script / Code. Finally, share or save the result as a file.

General features:
Design Databases (Schemas with tables, fields and relationships).
- DDL Scripts for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL-Server, Firebird and SQLite.
- Stored Procedures for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL-Server and Firebird.
- Standard SQL Commands (Select, Insert, Update and Delete).
- Model Classes for PHP, Java, C#, VB.Net, C++, Python, Delphi and ORMLite (Android).
Examine, share and save your results easily.
Support for 8 UI Languages (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Russian and Polish).

PRO features (available via In-App Purchase)
Advanced Generators:
- Android DatabaseHelper and ORMLiteDatabaseHelper classes.
- Android (XML) Layout Forms.
- HTML / HTML5 Forms.

Every piece of Code / Script will be simple and feature-equivalent no matter what DBMS or Programming Language you choose. Descriptions will be included as comments when provided. Just keep in mind that some features such as generating Stored procedures or SQL Commands require that every table has an auto numeric field as primary key (attribute must be enabled) to work properly.

Do you need more features? Review our App and let us know how to improve!

Database Script Tool is not available in your native language? Help us translate it! It’s easy, just find us on http://ackuna.com/translate-/database-script-tool/ and contribute.

App Permissions:
Internet: To feed Ads using Google AdMob.
In-App Purchases & Identity: To allow purchases inside the app (upgrade from LITE to PRO version).
Storage Write/Read: To enable Backup & Restore option. The result code can be saved as files.

post from sitemap

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