March 26, 2015

Asia Unites Against Poaching

Representatives from 13 Asian countries committed to immediate action to stamp out poaching at the conclusion of a four-day symposium hosted by the Nepal government in Kathmandu from February 2-6, 2015.

The Symposium: Towards Zero Poaching in Asia adopted five recommendations:

  • Swift and decisive action to elevate the importance and effectiveness of antipoaching initiatives and cooperation among all relevant ministries, departments and agencies within their borders, while at the same time strengthening international cooperation in the face of this serious criminal activity.
  • Adoption of the Zero Poaching Tool Kit and assessment of current antipoaching responses to determine improvements and close serious gaps.
  • Increase and improve collaboration as a successful antipoaching response is critically dependant on effectively engaging a diverse number of shareholders
  • Improve standards, training and support for rangers, other frontline staff and prosecutors.
  • Commit to identifying a Zero Poaching national contact point to effectively coordinate transboundary efforts to stop poaching.

Tika Ram Adhikari, Director General of Nepal’s Department of Wildlife Conservation and Soil Conservation, said: “Nepal was proud to host this vital conversation in Asia because we recognize that poaching is robbing us of our wildlife wealth, which includes tigers, rhinos and elephants. We cannot allow wildlife crime to continue to wrap its tentacles deeper into the region. Our individual efforts may win us a few battles, but we can only win the war if Asia presents a united front to stop the poaching, end the trafficking and wipe out demand.”

Mike Baltzer, Leader, WWF Tigers Alive Initiative, said: “This is the beginning of the end for poaching across Asia. WWF is proud to have supported this landmark meeting and is committed to be part of the new determined movement for Zero Poaching in Asia.”

Nepal was the natural host for the symposium having achieved zero poaching for two years in the past four years. At the symposium, representatives from local communities, protected areas as well as enforcement agencies shared their lessons lea

At the closing ceremony, Nepal’s legendary Chitwan National Park (CNP) also became the first global site to be accredited as Conservation Assured Tiger Standard (CA|TS).Despite the threats that CNP faces, the protected area has seen an increasingly effective management and protection regime. This further demonstrates the commitment of Nepal towards zero poaching.

Thirteen Asian countries participated in the symposium: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Russia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Nepal, India, Bhutan, and Lao PDR. Partner NGOs and other organisations included IUCN, TRAFFIC, CITES, UN Office on Drugs and Crime, US Department of Justice, SMART Partnership and Southern African Wildlife College.

WWF co-hosted the symposium with Global Tiger Forum, National Trust for Nature Conservation and the South Asian Wildlife Enforcement Network.

The symposium provides valuable direction on tackling poaching in advance of the Kasane Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade to be hosted by the Botswana government on 25th March 2015. This meeting follows the London Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade hosted by the UK government in February 2014, where 41 governments committed to taking “decisive and urgent action….” through the agreed declaration.

March 24, 2015

5 Test Tools Mobile App

As an application developer must ensure that your application works as IT and there are doubts about the possible release. There are many tools available perverse test help distribute beta and invite users to provide feedback and report any problems.

With testing tools of general application, you can get bug reports, analysis and comment. In this article I will list some free and paid options for publishing SE helps you better applications.

Some tools are only for iOS and others are multiplatform.

TestFlight for iOS Developers

TestFlight was an incredible tool for developers of Android and iOS applications, Tuy Nhien was acquired by Apple and Android retirement.

If you are a developer of iOS 8 TestFlight is a free tool to test application. With TestFlight Beta Testing can easily invite users to test applications is Cua before launch.

Cho PHEP TestFlight invite up to 1,000 users or external testers to spend the weekend using e-mail. Once the external testers are invited to TestFlight will receive a link to download the official app on the App Store.

To get feedback from members of the Cua team quickly you can share with beta versions of up to 25 members of staff Cua. Members Phai Gan coach or administrator role in iTunes Connect. Each team member can Cua beta build up to 10 devices.

TestFlight make it easy and simple to get feedback from real users. You can use Cua TestFlight to test applications on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch with iOS 8 or later, but Mac applications can not be tested.

Try TestFlight

TestFairy is 100% free, but it is a business package proposed for large equipment.

TestFairy offers some features for application developers. A video recording features stand out is the client side and not just the screens. Provides TestFairy recording exact test client side, including CPU, memory, GPS, network monitoring, records, bug reports and more video.

With Android applications do not need to include any SDK or API to build your application. Load Cua APK (Android application file) for the TestFairy platform. So apart TestFairy Cua APK file, insert the hooks are in the right places to collect information and distribution dates beta testers.

If you're an iOS developer View, then you need to add a line of code.

You can invite beta testers by email or through a native application test or the Internet. These applications can be distributed to public beta testers though a site hosted by TestFairy.

Start using TestFairy

Google Play Beta test native application

If you're an Android developer coal probably access to Google Developer Console. You can use a personal Google Account to access. If you are an organization, Google recommends to register a new account.

In July 2014, Google announced Google Play here computer game publication of the developer API is now available to all developers.

The In-App subscriptions and purchases API allows you to manage purchases and in-app subscriptions.

Sign up for Google Play Developer Console


Developers HockeyApp cho PHEP distribute beta iOS, Android, Windows Phone application versions and Mac OS. Microsoft has HockeyApp now.

No HockeyApp not offer a free plan, but you can try it free for a month HockeyApp. Prices start at $ 10 / month, Ma Cho PHEP create up to five applications. HockeyApp offers unlimited storage and unlimited number of developers or testers for all plans.

Features include:

Distribution on all cluster platforms to manage updates

Faults and analysis reports can be integrated with version control

Comments easy for users

Users of Google Analytics, hardware and operating systems

Staff and users managemtn


Ubertesters is a complete testing solution offers a wide range of tools Ma for the distribution of new construction and report bugs. You can enable and disable specific Chan built for testing. Ubertesters offers free and paid plans free plan has 100 MB of storage and two projects. Currently iOS and Android are compatible with Windows available in the future.

Features include:

Analyis error reports and status through the OS platform

The distribution of beta versions and updates

Management Team


March 16, 2015

45 Baby Names that Mean Music

For some parents, the definition of a name is just as important as the sound. Music is universal and names with musical definitions make great choices for your little ones. Musical names come from many countries and heritages. They have simple and creative spellings and various sound options. Let's take a look at the great name options that have musical definitions.

(1) Shira: (female) Shira is Hebrew for song. I love the sound of Shira!

(2) Apollo: (male) Meaning God of music and poetry, this Greek name is a strong choice for a baby boy.

(3) Ranit: (male or female) Hebrew for song, Ranit is a great choice for a little boy or girl.

(4) Nazim: (male) Nazim is Indian for song and has a great sound. Naz is a great nickname as well.

(5) Alahya: (female) This Indian name means musical tone or color. It's so beautiful and I love the spelling.

(6) Lirit: (female) This Hebrew name means lyrical and has a great simple sound. It's like a better Merrit.

(7) Dewon: (male) Dewon is Irish for song and fits right into the popular sound for boys names today.

(8) Melody: (female) Melody is of Greek origin and is a wonderful choice. The melody is the most important part of a song!

(9) Roni: (male or female) Hebrew for song, Roni could work on a little boy or girl.

(10) Saron: (male or female) Meaning his song in Hebrew, Saron has a wonderful sound to it.

(11) Aria: (female) This English name means gentle music. It's more of an obvious choice musically speaking, but still beautiful.

(12) Philomela: (female) This Greek name means lover of music. It is a bit of a mouthful, but fits right in with Gabriella or Isabella.

(13) Leron: (male) The Arabic meaning of Leron means the song is mine. It's a wonderful definition for your child and has a great, modern sound.

(14) Sora: (female) Sora is Native American for chirping songbird. It's a softer Zora and has such a pretty sound.

(15) Brage: (male) This is the Norwegian name for the god of music. It has a really cool sound.

(16) Rina: (female) Rina is Hebrew for joyous song. It's beautiful and is a great choice for parents who don't like nicknames.

(17) Alima: (female) Alima is an Arabic name that means learned in dance or music. It has a simple spelling and a pretty sound to it.

(18) Lark: (male or female) The American meaning of Lark is songbird. I think it could work on a boy or girl.

(19) Ranim: (male or female) Arabic for reciting in a sing song voice, Ranim is a wonderful choice for your baby boy or girl.

(20) Cadence: (female) This American name means musical beat. It another choice that is a bit more obvious, but has such a great sound and energy to it.

(21) Philyra: (female) Like Philomela, Philyra means lover of music. It is a simpler spelling, so much more relate-able for modern parents.

(22) Chantal: (female) From the French verb to sing, Chantal is a beautiful name with many alternate spelling choices.

(23) Binali: (female) With the cute nickname Nali, the Hindi name Binali is a beautiful choice. It means musical instrument.

(24) Piper: (male or female) Piper literally means a flute player. It's gender bending, so you can consider it for your baby boy or girl.

(25) Lyric: (female) Lyric is Greek for melodic word. While it is obvious, I love this name!

(26) Aika: (male or female) Aika means love song in Japanese. It has such a great definition and a very unique sound.

(27) Ruana: (female) This Hindi name means musical instrument and the nickname Ru is absolutely adorable.

(28) Musetta: (female) Musetta is French for a song. It is a really pretty name and frilly as well. I like Muse and Etta as nicknames.

(29) Bethany: (female) This is a recognizable name that means house of music in Hebrew. It's a great way to honor music and your daughter, without the name being that out there.

(30) Charmaine: (female) In Latin, Charmaine means to sing. It has a pretty sound and is definitely a bold choice.

(31) Harper: (male or female) This name literally means harp player. It's gaining popularity and can be used on a little boy or girl.

(32) Carol: (female) The French meaning of Carol is melody and song. You could also do Carolyn, Caroline, or Carollie.

(33) Daina: (female) Daina means song in Lithuania. It's a cooler spelling then Dana, and is easy to say.

(34) Jaron: (male) Meaning to shout and sing in Hebrew, Jaron is a really cool choice for your baby boy. It is much cooler than Jayden!

(35) Gita: (female) Gita is Hindi for song and has such a cute energy and sound.

(36) Kotone: (male) Kotone means harp sound in Japanese. I really like the cool sound to this name. It's very strong.

(37) Mavis: (female) This name has a very unique sound, but is super easy to spell. It is the name of a bird that means song thrush.

(38) Carmen: (female) The Latin and Spanish definition of Carmen is song. It's also the name of a beautiful opera.

(39) Riya: (female) Riya means singer in Hindi. It can also be spelled Ria, but I really love it with the "y."

(40) Zamir: (male) Hebrew for songbird, Zamir is an awesome choice for your baby boy. I love Z names, and this is a great way to take a departure from Zachary.

(41) Chyna: (female) Chyna means musical instrument. If you are a music lover who loves place names, this could be your top choice.

(42) Harmony: (female) Another obvious choice, Harmony is a great option for parents who want a recognizable musical choice.

(43) Kousan: (male) In Armenian, Kousan means singer. I really love the sound of this name, and think it should be on any music lovers list of possiblities.

(44) Zimri: (male) Zimri means my music in Hebrew. It has a really cool, unique sound and would make a great choice!

(45) Calliope: (female) Meaning beautiful voice in Greek, Calliope has such a cool sound and a great nickname in Calli.

March 12, 2015

XLMSoft Database PRO

XLMSoft Database PRO - screenshot thumbnail XLMSoft Database PRO - screenshot thumbnail XLMSoft Database PRO - screenshot thumbnail XLMSoft Database PRO - screenshot thumbnail XLMSoft Database PRO - screenshot thumbnail XLMSoft Database PRO - screenshot thumbnail XLMSoft Database PRO - screenshot thumbnail
XLMSoft Database is your personal database manager. Manage all of your personal data with a single app! Fast and easy to configure, easy to use!

With this app you will quickly get an overview over all your collections (e.g. your CD collection, your DVD & Blu-ray collection, your collection of books or video games, your wine cellar). Keep track of your purchases, manage inventory or task lists. The possibilities are endless.

Create as many databases as you like.
Several types of data fields available to store your information: single-line and multi-line text, autocomplete text, email, hyperlink, phone number, single- and multi-select text, various number formats, date, time (time-of-day or duration), checkbox value, alphanumeric value, rating.
Create a new database and populate it with data from a CSV file in one easy, automated step.
You can add an arbitrary number of images to every record.
Take photos with your built-in camera and add them to a record.
Sort a database by a up to three fields.
Powerful search with wildcard characters and text highlighting.
Create and save filters with as many conditions as you need.
Easily export and import data to and from CSV files (text files).
The freely configurable list view mode lets you display your data in tabular form just like on your PC.
Backup function.
No ads.

post from sitemap

March 11, 2015

Advanced Database Management 1

Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail
This unique free application is for all students of Advanced Database Management across the world. It covers 133 topics of Advanced Database Management in detail. These 133 topics are divided in 10 units.

Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.

The USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from any where they like.

Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.

Some of topics Covered in this application are:

1. Parallel Database Architectures
2. Parallel Query Evaluation
3. Parallelizing Individual Operations
4. Parallel Query Optimization
5. Introduction To Distributed Databases
6. Distributed DBMS Architectures
7. Storing Data in Distributed DBMS
8. Distributed Catalog Management
9. Updating Distributed Data
10. Distributed Concurrency Control
11. Distributed Recovery
12. Two-Phase Commit Revisited
13. Three-Phase Commit
14. Introduction To Data Mining
15. Counting Co-Occurences
16. Iceberg Queries
17. Mining for rules
18. Tree structured rules
19. Clustering problem
20. Clustering Algorithm
21. Data Mining Tasks
22. Similarity Search Over Sequences
23. Object-oriented database systems
24. New Data Types
25. Abstract data type
26. Methods of an ADT
27. Structured data types
28. Manipulating Data of Structured Types
29. Objects and Refrence Types
30. Inheritance
31. Design for an ORDBMS
32. Challeges in Implementing an ORDBMS
34. Object Query Language
35. Compare RDBMS with ORDBMS
36. Transaction Processing Monitors
37. New Transaction Models
38. Integrated access to multiple data sources
39. Mobile Databases
40. Main memory databases
41. Multimedia Database
42. Geographic Information Systems
43. Temporal and sequence databases
44. Information Visualization
45. OODBMS; Advantages & Disadvantages
46. Data warehouse
47. Contrasting OLTP and Data Warehousing Environments
48. Data warehouses architectures
49. Logical versus physical design in data warehouses
50. Data warehouse Schema
51. Data warehousing objects
52. Logical and Physical Design of data warehouse
53. Introduction To Data Mining
54. Data Mining Uses
55. Data Mining Functions
56. Data Mining Technologies
57. Emerging Database Models
58. Multimedia Database
59. Temporal Databases
60. Designing Temporal Databases
61. Logical design of temporal databases
62. Conceptual design of temporal databases
63. Temporal databases implementation
64. Temporal DBMS implementation
65. Implementing Algebraic Operators Page
66. Database on the world wide web
67. Geographic Information Systems
68. Geographic information systems data operation
69. Example of a Geographic Information Systems-Arc-Info
70. Genome Data Management
71. Characteristics of biological data
72. Human Genome
73. Digital libraries
74. PostgreSQL
75. Functions of POSTGRESQL
76. Reliability on POSTGRESQL
77. open source software
78. Relational database
79. Characteristics Of Relations
80. Relational Constraints
81. Relational Database Schemas
82. Operations on relations
83. Relational Algebra Operations
84. The Project operation
85. Set theoritic operations
86. The JOIN operation
87. The Entity – Relationship Model
88. Entity and attributes
89. Pitfalls In Relational Database Design
90. Normalization
91. The Process of Normalization
92. First Normal Form (1NF)
93. Boyce.Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
94. Conceptual design
95. E-R Model Verification
96. logical design
97. Physical Design
98. Database Design Implementation
99. Testing and Evaluation
100. Security measures
101. Structured Query Language
102. SQL Statement
103. Creating and dropping tables in SQL
104. The SQL select statement
105. SQL select distinct statement
106. The AND & OR Operators
107. The ORDER BY Keyword

All topics not listed due to character limitations set by Play Store.

post from sitemap

March 10, 2015

Meld Spreadsheets Database

Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail Meld Spreadsheets Database - screenshot thumbnail
Host databases directly from Google Sheets. Easily create and share custom database collections to track inventory, manage customer data, organize lists or keep usernames and passwords securely. All your collections are automatically saved and stored in Google Sheets. Share them with others, or keep them private.

• Hosted entirely from your Google Drive
• Work with your data directly from the Sheets web browser interface
• Unlock complete access with a one time in-app purchase. Within any Sheets database, tap the request tracker button at the top right of the screen, then tap the "Buy" button.
• All updates are seamlessly synchronized to all users
• Completely free for light to moderate data usage
• Attach photos, spreadsheets and other documents
• Integrated barcode scanner for data input or for searching
• No advertisements
• No restrictions for commercial use
• Powerful searching, sorting, grouping and filtering accessible even when offline.
• Build custom solutions using Text, Images, Files, URLs, Image URLs, Barcodes, Item References, Email Addresses, Encrypted Values, Phone Numbers, Coordinates, Numbers, Currency, Dates, Times, Durations, Ratings, Booleans and Selection Values
• Import and export data in CSV format
• Integrated help documentation
• Full support for Unicode so data input in many languages is supported

post from sitemap

Logmedo Personal Database App

Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail Logmedo Personal Database App - screenshot thumbnail
Logmedo is an easy to use and highly customizable database application that allows you to create logbooks, lists, journals, and other types of personal and business database apps. Keep track of your personal and business data all in a single app.

* Cloud based - no DropBox or other ad-hoc sync method required.
* Access your databases all your devices, or your browser at
* Multiple tables and relationships;
* Choose different color theme for each database;
* Export to PDF;
* View charts of your data;
* Share your database design templates for others to import and use (your data is not shared)
* Browse and import database design templates that others have shared.
* Many different types of custom fields to choose from (more than 23).
* Formula field - you have the full power of JavaScript! Use it to compute values, from a simple computation, to complex code that cross-references other tables in the database.
* Attach files from cloud providers.
* User-defined categories

Here are some database app that you can create in Logmedo:

* Vehicle logbook
* Exercise logbook
* Health logbook
* Office Inventory
* Music Library
* Movie Library
* Document Management System
* Expense log
* Mileage Record
* Rental Property Management
* Electronic Health Record
* and many more

post from sitemap

March 08, 2015

Simple DataBase App

Simple DataBase App - screenshot thumbnail Simple DataBase App - screenshot thumbnail Simple DataBase App - screenshot thumbnail
Simple DataBase Access is a powerful database SQLite with an intuitive interface that makes it easy and accessible to all users.
It is an ideal application both for professional and personal use. Managed from this simple, but effective, application products, customers, categories, etc ...

Whether you write the list of the super market to keep track of products for your business, Simple DataBase App is what you need.


post from sitemap

Emulator Games Database

Emulator Games Database - screenshot thumbnail Emulator Games Database - screenshot thumbnail Emulator Games Database - screenshot thumbnail Emulator Games Database - screenshot thumbnail Emulator Games Database - screenshot thumbnail Emulator Games Database - screenshot thumbnail
Love emulators and retro games such as Pokemon, Mario and Zelda? Then this is a must-have app for you!

NOTE: This app is NOT a ROMs downloader. As per Google policy, you cannot download ROMs directly from the app nor can we link you to ROM sites. It is only meant as a quick and convenient way to browse retro game information and search for more info on Google. Also, not all systems have available emulator apps at this time, including Sony Playstation 2.

Emulator Games Database provides a convenient list of the most popular emulator apps on Google Play. For each system, emulators are sorted by popularity and rating.

Other than emulators, this app also provides an extensive games list for 29 systems including:

Atari 5200
Atari 7800
Atari Jaguar
Atari Lynx
Commodore 64 / C64
Gameboy Advance / GBA
Gameboy Color / GBC
Namco System 22
Neo Geo
Neo Geo CD
Neo Geo Pocket
Nintendo / NES
Nintendo 64 / N64
Nintendo DS / NDS
Nintendo Gamecube
Sega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Game Gear
Sega Genesis
Sega Master System
Sega Model 2
Sega Saturn
Sony Playstation / PSX
Sony Playstation 2 / PS2
Sony Playstation Portable / PSP
Super Nintendo / SNES

Wish to recall some retro game names? You will be able to search for a game name or browse games by letter, genre or top rated. Provided on each game screen are screenshots, a recommended emulator and options to search for more info on Google.

post from sitemap