March 06, 2015

Easy Database

Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail Easy Database - screenshot thumbnail
Manage all your data easily on your phone or tablet without wireless internet or mobile.

Customers, Suppliers, Events, Friends, Notes, Products, Prices or any other data.

Create tables, add, edit or delete records.

It hasn't got ads neither limitations.

It has calculated fields.

Generate PDF files from results.

Records can have files attached (PDF, images, audios or videos).

Supports large amounts of information.

Supports tables relationships and GPS fields.

Searches are easy and very fast. Can read and write barcode and QR codes.

Import CSV data from Access, MySQL, Excel, OpenOffice, or any other program that exports to this standard format. It also exports data in CSV format.

post from sitemap

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