March 24, 2015

5 Test Tools Mobile App

As an application developer must ensure that your application works as IT and there are doubts about the possible release. There are many tools available perverse test help distribute beta and invite users to provide feedback and report any problems.

With testing tools of general application, you can get bug reports, analysis and comment. In this article I will list some free and paid options for publishing SE helps you better applications.

Some tools are only for iOS and others are multiplatform.

TestFlight for iOS Developers

TestFlight was an incredible tool for developers of Android and iOS applications, Tuy Nhien was acquired by Apple and Android retirement.

If you are a developer of iOS 8 TestFlight is a free tool to test application. With TestFlight Beta Testing can easily invite users to test applications is Cua before launch.

Cho PHEP TestFlight invite up to 1,000 users or external testers to spend the weekend using e-mail. Once the external testers are invited to TestFlight will receive a link to download the official app on the App Store.

To get feedback from members of the Cua team quickly you can share with beta versions of up to 25 members of staff Cua. Members Phai Gan coach or administrator role in iTunes Connect. Each team member can Cua beta build up to 10 devices.

TestFlight make it easy and simple to get feedback from real users. You can use Cua TestFlight to test applications on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch with iOS 8 or later, but Mac applications can not be tested.

Try TestFlight

TestFairy is 100% free, but it is a business package proposed for large equipment.

TestFairy offers some features for application developers. A video recording features stand out is the client side and not just the screens. Provides TestFairy recording exact test client side, including CPU, memory, GPS, network monitoring, records, bug reports and more video.

With Android applications do not need to include any SDK or API to build your application. Load Cua APK (Android application file) for the TestFairy platform. So apart TestFairy Cua APK file, insert the hooks are in the right places to collect information and distribution dates beta testers.

If you're an iOS developer View, then you need to add a line of code.

You can invite beta testers by email or through a native application test or the Internet. These applications can be distributed to public beta testers though a site hosted by TestFairy.

Start using TestFairy

Google Play Beta test native application

If you're an Android developer coal probably access to Google Developer Console. You can use a personal Google Account to access. If you are an organization, Google recommends to register a new account.

In July 2014, Google announced Google Play here computer game publication of the developer API is now available to all developers.

The In-App subscriptions and purchases API allows you to manage purchases and in-app subscriptions.

Sign up for Google Play Developer Console


Developers HockeyApp cho PHEP distribute beta iOS, Android, Windows Phone application versions and Mac OS. Microsoft has HockeyApp now.

No HockeyApp not offer a free plan, but you can try it free for a month HockeyApp. Prices start at $ 10 / month, Ma Cho PHEP create up to five applications. HockeyApp offers unlimited storage and unlimited number of developers or testers for all plans.

Features include:

Distribution on all cluster platforms to manage updates

Faults and analysis reports can be integrated with version control

Comments easy for users

Users of Google Analytics, hardware and operating systems

Staff and users managemtn


Ubertesters is a complete testing solution offers a wide range of tools Ma for the distribution of new construction and report bugs. You can enable and disable specific Chan built for testing. Ubertesters offers free and paid plans free plan has 100 MB of storage and two projects. Currently iOS and Android are compatible with Windows available in the future.

Features include:

Analyis error reports and status through the OS platform

The distribution of beta versions and updates

Management Team


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