March 11, 2015

Advanced Database Management 1

Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail Advanced Database Management 1 - screenshot thumbnail
This unique free application is for all students of Advanced Database Management across the world. It covers 133 topics of Advanced Database Management in detail. These 133 topics are divided in 10 units.

Each topic is around 600 words and is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations along with simple text explaining the concept in detail.

The USP of this application is "ultra-portability". Students can access the content on-the-go from any where they like.

Basically, each topic is like a detailed flash card and will make the lives of students simpler and easier.

Some of topics Covered in this application are:

1. Parallel Database Architectures
2. Parallel Query Evaluation
3. Parallelizing Individual Operations
4. Parallel Query Optimization
5. Introduction To Distributed Databases
6. Distributed DBMS Architectures
7. Storing Data in Distributed DBMS
8. Distributed Catalog Management
9. Updating Distributed Data
10. Distributed Concurrency Control
11. Distributed Recovery
12. Two-Phase Commit Revisited
13. Three-Phase Commit
14. Introduction To Data Mining
15. Counting Co-Occurences
16. Iceberg Queries
17. Mining for rules
18. Tree structured rules
19. Clustering problem
20. Clustering Algorithm
21. Data Mining Tasks
22. Similarity Search Over Sequences
23. Object-oriented database systems
24. New Data Types
25. Abstract data type
26. Methods of an ADT
27. Structured data types
28. Manipulating Data of Structured Types
29. Objects and Refrence Types
30. Inheritance
31. Design for an ORDBMS
32. Challeges in Implementing an ORDBMS
34. Object Query Language
35. Compare RDBMS with ORDBMS
36. Transaction Processing Monitors
37. New Transaction Models
38. Integrated access to multiple data sources
39. Mobile Databases
40. Main memory databases
41. Multimedia Database
42. Geographic Information Systems
43. Temporal and sequence databases
44. Information Visualization
45. OODBMS; Advantages & Disadvantages
46. Data warehouse
47. Contrasting OLTP and Data Warehousing Environments
48. Data warehouses architectures
49. Logical versus physical design in data warehouses
50. Data warehouse Schema
51. Data warehousing objects
52. Logical and Physical Design of data warehouse
53. Introduction To Data Mining
54. Data Mining Uses
55. Data Mining Functions
56. Data Mining Technologies
57. Emerging Database Models
58. Multimedia Database
59. Temporal Databases
60. Designing Temporal Databases
61. Logical design of temporal databases
62. Conceptual design of temporal databases
63. Temporal databases implementation
64. Temporal DBMS implementation
65. Implementing Algebraic Operators Page
66. Database on the world wide web
67. Geographic Information Systems
68. Geographic information systems data operation
69. Example of a Geographic Information Systems-Arc-Info
70. Genome Data Management
71. Characteristics of biological data
72. Human Genome
73. Digital libraries
74. PostgreSQL
75. Functions of POSTGRESQL
76. Reliability on POSTGRESQL
77. open source software
78. Relational database
79. Characteristics Of Relations
80. Relational Constraints
81. Relational Database Schemas
82. Operations on relations
83. Relational Algebra Operations
84. The Project operation
85. Set theoritic operations
86. The JOIN operation
87. The Entity – Relationship Model
88. Entity and attributes
89. Pitfalls In Relational Database Design
90. Normalization
91. The Process of Normalization
92. First Normal Form (1NF)
93. Boyce.Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
94. Conceptual design
95. E-R Model Verification
96. logical design
97. Physical Design
98. Database Design Implementation
99. Testing and Evaluation
100. Security measures
101. Structured Query Language
102. SQL Statement
103. Creating and dropping tables in SQL
104. The SQL select statement
105. SQL select distinct statement
106. The AND & OR Operators
107. The ORDER BY Keyword

All topics not listed due to character limitations set by Play Store.

post from sitemap

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